Wednesday, October 10, 2012

[DMANET] 4 Grad Positions at Univ British Columbia, Canada

4 Grad Positions at Univ British Columbia, Canada

Applications are invited for 4 graduate positions (3 MSc and 1 PhD) to
work on optimization and modelling.

One PhD position and two MSc positions are available to work on the road
optimization problem. The research will involve the understanding,
development and numerical testing of new models for the road design
problem. The PhD ideal applicant has a background in optimization (LP,
MIP, NLP, etc.), some programming experience in C++, and the ability to
communicate effectively (in English) with our industrial partner.
Applicants to the MSc positions should have either a solid background in
programming or optimization with a BSc degree in computer science or
mathematics. Funding is already in place for all 3 positions with a
starting date of Sept 2013.

1 MSc position (subject to funding) is available in the field of
computational convex analysis. The applicant should have a background in
computer science (BSc) with interest in optimization or a background in
mathematics with programming skills.

You will join a dynamic group of researchers in optimization at the
University of British Columbia (Canada) on the fast growing campus of
Kelowna. The research team is interdisciplinary with faculty member from
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Civil Engineering and is part of
COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis, and Nonsmooth
Analysis, see

Application deadline is January 31, 2013 at 4:00 pm but fully funded
positions are open until filled. For further detail see
Applicants must submit an application to the grad program directly and
contact Dr. Yves Lucet, Associate Professor Computer Science at for further details.
Yves Lucet, PhD
Associate Professor, Arts & Sciences, Computer Science
The University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Phone 250.807.9505
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